Thursday, 30 July 2015

Red, Golden Arches, and Green

MacDonald's sign in Cornwall, England, powered by solar and wind.
The sky was rather grey that day, but the wind was blowing nicely (it was raining, too!).
Pretty typical weather for Cornwall, and that wind generator was spinning like crazy!
There are so many illuminated signs in non-city areas where a panel and small turbine can be mounted near an illuminated sign or on the roof of the building.
So easy, so obvious, and a drop in the ocean for the budget of a major company.
Yet, if everyone did it, the effect would be HUGE!
Good on you McDonalds!

Nature Grows the Seed

Home-grown potatoes
Early in the year (about three months ago), Anna planted a potato, cut into twp parts, with each part already starting to sprout.
Now, three months later, the crop is ready for harvesting.
The crop is small, but then again, we started off with just ONE smallish potatoes, and now we have a pot full.

Our growing area - about 7 feet wide and 3 feet deep (215cm by 90cm)
The potato halves were planted in the large plant pot between the two green tiered racks.